Jim O’Neill is a proven leader with a stellar record to prove it! We need a Lt. Governor who can work with Mark Robinson who is tough on crime especially now with the invasion of illegals. We need an experienced DA to work with Michele Morrow, ® spitfire candidate for Superintendent of Public Education, to enforce the Parents’ Bill of Rights to rid our schools of pornography and the Leftist transgender indoctrination of our kids. Jim has a proven record of 'doing' unlike his opponent who only has name recognition.
As Lt. Governor, Jim will be tough on crime. Jim is an experienced prosecutor who has spent the past 20 years locking up some of the most dangerous criminals, not letting them back onto the streets. As a prosecutor, Jim has learned the kind of support our law enforcement needs from government officials. Jim understands the daily challenges our law enforcement officials face and will ensure they have everything they need to keep our communities safe. In his last election for District Attorney, Jim’s opponent ran on bringing liberal, progressive justice practices to Forsyth County. Jim won his election and didn't allow the disastrous, pro-crime initiatives to come to Forsyth County, and as Lt. Governor, he won’t allow them to come to North Carolina.
As a prosecutor, Jim has witnessed how criminals plot and execute their crimes. Today, many North Carolina schools are at risk. Currently, state law only requires local law enforcement to provide on-campus security to our public schools. Jim believes this requirement must also be expanded to protect private and faith-based schools. Criminals prey upon the most vulnerable, and leaving many of our schools unprotected is an oversight that must be corrected.
Jim has been a leader in bringing innovative programs to combat substance abuse. Addiction is one of the leading causes of petty crimes across North Carolina. In addition, Jim believes it is time to combat the ills of mental illness and its impact on the safety of our streets and our communities.
Sadly, liberals chose to follow a path of restricting our Constitutional rights without offering remedies that solve the root of the problem. As Lt. Governor, Jim will work to establish a panel of private and public mental health experts along with law enforcement officials to create a list of legislative remedies for the General Assembly to address and combat the issue of mental illness and provide the services needed for those in need.