We The People have been asked to protect our vote by becoming Poll Observers in NC. Join NCEIT training in person and hands on role play of examples of what to look for and how to react as you volunteer in the Primary Election process. This is a non-partisan effort to duplicate the 2020 Virginia election success that eight states are currently pursuing.
Virginia Fair Elections – Easy to Vote, Hard to Cheat. (vafairelections.org) Registration of $15 is being handled by our partner
Liberty First at this Link
Time 9AM - 3PM Location Malvern Hills Presbyterian Church 2 Bear Creek Rd Asheville, NC 28806 Registration includes materials and lunch. We are building a permanent electoral infrastructure. This is how we fix election fraud.
See Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure: www.whoscounting.us Election Integrity Network - Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell (whoscounting.us)